An instructional video which is suitable for both experienced dances and those new to this dance style. The video explains how to dance reels, jigs and strathspeys and includes a helpful commentary. The Steps are walked out and shown in slow motion and the most frequently used formations demonstrated with many walked through. 34 dances which appear frequently on dance programmes are demonstrated.
Details of the Steps, Formations and the Dances:
Foot Positions; Slip Step; Skip Change of Step; Advance and Retire; Pas de Basque; Strathspey Travelling Step;
Strathspey Advance/ Retire; Straths
...pey Setting Step; Stepping Up or Down; Bow and Curtsey
Formations 1
Turn Right Hand: Turn Left Hand: Lead Down the Middle and Up: Lead Down the Middle and Up and Cast Off:
Cast Off and Cast Up; Cross Over and Cast Off; Set and Cross Over; Set and Cross Over (Strathspey);
Turn and Cast Off; Set and Cast Off; Set and Cast Up; Balance in Line (diagonal); Balance in Line (in the middle)
Six Hands Round and Back; Six Hands Round and Back (Strathspey)
Formations 2
Sets; Square Formation; Eight Hands Round and Back (square set); Four Hands Across and Back;
Set and Four Hands Across Half Way Round and Back; Figure of Eight Across the Dance;
Half Figure of Eight Across the Dance; Figure of Eight on the Side Line; ’Shake hands hold’;
Rights and Lefts for two couples; Half Rights and Lefts; Double Triangles; Promenade for three couples;
Allemande for two couples; Grand Chain for three couples; Ladies’ Chain; Half Ladies’ Chain; Poussette for two couples;
Formations 3
Corner Formations
Set To Corners; Turn Corners and Partner; Set To Corners and Partner; Set To and Turn Corners;
Set To and Turn Corners and Reels of Three (on the side lines);
Reels of Three; Reel of Four; Half Reel of Four;
The Rondel; The Knot; Poussette Right Round (Strathspey); Half Poussette (Strathspey).
The Duke of Atholl’s Reel; Hamilton House; Hooper’s Jig; Machine Without Horses; Monymusk; Shiftin’ Bobbins; The Wild Geese; The De’il Amang the Tailors; The Montgomeries’ Rant; Sugar Candie; Round Reel of Eight; The Flowers of Edinburgh; Petronella; Circassian Circle; The Lea Rig; The Sailor; Maxwell’s Rant; The Reel of the 51st Division; J. B. Milne; Neidpath Castle; Postie’s Jig; Mrs. Macleod; The Triumph; The Duke of Perth; The Silver Tassie; Fergus Mciver (Waverley); Mairi’s Wedding; The College Hornpipe; The White Heather Jig; Miss Milligan’s Strathspey; General Stuart’s Reel; A Trip to Bavaria;
The Bees of Maggieknockater; The Duchess Tree.Show more