Angry GYM

In the AppStore it will be available on 1st of July Among the huge number of iOS games, I would like to highlight Angry GYM. What make this make special? To begin with, that we are all PC-gamers and in any game we want to be the best. And when to the finish line you don’t come first, you subconsciously ask yourself: Why am I not first? What I do not have to be the best? .. For this purpose, PC-users have a wide range of simulators to improve their playing skills. Why do they need this: For example take hockey. Any professional hockey player with a high probability to hit hard and accurately to the right place gates. After all, it is necessary to score a goal. During the match, the player makes a few shots, and to train the way a quality shot, ice hockey player will need a huge amount of time. But in order to accelerate the process of training was devised special exercises - throwing hockey “superfluous“ (goalkeeper and player) puts the puck in different positions and perfor
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