Road Manners (1964)

London. M/S of a man coming out of his suburban house and giving his wife and daughter a kiss. He gets into his car in the garage; puts on his sunglasses and turns into a road monster! He reverses onto the road, narrowly missing a small boy on a bike, and backs straight into the path of a nifty sports car. Commentator talks of nice, polite people who are selfish and stupid drivers, as our monster proceeds to cut people up at traffic lights then overtakes before a zebra-crossing, whizzing over the crossing and nearly mowing down several pedestrians; we see several cars approaching the rather empty-looking Hammersmith flyover and roundabout. The road hog then slows to a crawl, holding up traffic behind him while ogling a sexy beatnik girl who is walking along a street. Next, he overtakes a long line of cars, and pushes his way in to the front of the queue, then stops his car in the middle of the street to get out and buy a newspaper from a vendor outside a tube station (could be Knightsbridge?).
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