Uncovering the Secret Power of (Bracketed) Words in Strong’s Concordance

What’s the use of (bracketed words) after the KJV translations in Strong’s Concordance? Go to , Genesis 2:7, breath, and in Strong’s Concordance H5397. In the translations “breath“ is preceded by the bracketed word “that“ and followed by the bracketed expression “eth.“ This means that breath forms phrases with the prior word “that breath“ and the following word “breatheth.“ Somethimes both of used, in this case, “that breatheth.“ Check it out by clicking on “Hebrew Concordance for H5397“ and searching for “that breatheth.“ How to do in-depth Bible study 24/7/365 free. Go to to use the Bible tools: King James Bible Hebrew-Greek Interlinear Bible Strong’s Concordance. FREE Online Hebrew course to unlock Bible meaning by mastering Biblical Hebrew without learning the alphabet, vocabulary, grammar, conjugations... https
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