After Effects Tutorial: Electric Neon Logo Text Animation in After Effects

Here’s a new motion graphics tutorial on making all sorts of electric text or neon logos! Making electric animations in After Effects can be super easy using the tips and techniques you’ll learn in this tutorial. As a motion designer, I’ve been asked countless times to create neon logo and electric text animations, so I figured this would be a perfect skill to introduce to After Effects beginners. Not only that, but over the years I’ve picked up ways to save a whole bunch of time and effort, so even the AE vets can stick around to learn a thing or two. When it comes to animating electric effects in After Effects, I know it can be daunting since the possibilities are endless. Don’t worry because we’ll go over everything from plugins, making a new project, setting up your composition, using alpha mattes, and much more in this tutorial! Hope you all enjoy and as a challenge to all the learners, we want to see your animated text so be sure to tag us on Instagram @blackmixture so we can check it out! DOPE PLUGIN
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