All Credit by ISKCON Desire Tree ( A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ) & Krishna consciousness...
Krishna Consciousness - Небо Здесь, NDA Sound
On behalf of: Союз Мьюзик
Answer:‘Hare Krishna’ refers to the Sanskrit
prayer we sing (the maha-mantra, or ‘great chant
for deliverance’) and to our group.
Since we are often seen chanting the Hare
Krishna mantra, we are referred to as the ‘Hare
Srila Prabhupada came to the United States from
India in 1965 to introduce the Western world to
bhakti-yoga, which features the chanting of Hare
Krishna as its main spiritual
... practice.
Srila Prabhupada represents a lineage of
teachers dating back into antiquity, but which
was revitalized 500 years ago by the incarnation
of God named Lord Chaitanya.
The voluminous Vedic scriptures of India contain
everything we need to know about how to live
happily in the world while we reaShow more