Star Wars JK: Mysteries of the Sith - Working for the Hutt

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith Remastered 2.0 Mod Walkthrough - Working for the Hutt Ka’Pa wasn’t prepared for the Jedi to be right in front of him, falling from the ceiling. Finding himself with no choice, the Hutt ordered his guards to retreat and decided to listen to Mara, at the same time making her a counter offer — that the Jedi would have to do something for him in return. Jade almost immediately refused, but when the thugs aimed the muzzles of blasters at her, the girl was forced to agree to an offer that “she will regret“. The Hutt himself instructed her to sneak i...nto the hideout of his rival Takara and steal from him a special, but illegal device for intercepting communication signals. Mod The Second Channel #starwars #darkforces #darkforces2 #darkf
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