QUEBEC OVER, NOW ACTION Final pictures from scene of conference at which were made plans f...(1943)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Description not available Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: QUEBEC OVER, NOW ACTION Quebec, Canada: GV the Citadel - Quebec. LV int. Mountbatten, Pound, Brooke, Portal, Stuart and other sitting down at conference table. LTV int. Mountbatten, Pound, Brooke, Portal, Stuart-and others sitting down at conference table. CU Brooke speaking. SCU Stuart. SV Mountbatten, Pound, Brooke and Portal. SV Portal. SCU side view Mountbatten. Mrs. Churchill & Mary Shopping. SV towards and pan Mrs. Churchill and Mary. SV Mrs. Churchill and Mary getting into horse drawn trap. LV towards and pan Mrs. Churchill and Mary riding in trap. SV pan Mrs. Churchill and Mary riding in trap. CU pan Mrs. Churchill and Mary get out of trap. SV Mrs. Churchill and Mary walking along shopping in Quebec. SV Nun pan to Mrs. Churchill and Mary. GAV flying boat in air. GV Bracken and Eden getting into
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