Big’s Big World Fangame Trailer

Poor Froggy has gotten lost again, and Big needs to find him! Search the the whole island top to bottom to find your frog in this open-world fangame. Download Link (Windows Only): SAGE 2021: ----------------------------------------------------- Instructions: Froggy is randomly spawned in one of several bodies of water around the island. He will never spawn in deep water though, so don’t worry about the ocean. He likes to hang out with other fish. The fishing is basically the same as Sonic Adventure DX, so make sure to tilt down the control stick to hook the fish when it bites. You can cut your line with B/Right Click. And don’t forget Y/Shift is your dedicated “Froggy“ Button. It lets your call out for Froggy. --------------------------------------------- Very big thanks to Kevin Temmer for making the amazing Sonic Theme Zelda Remix, and to Tim Ropple for
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