New Worlds: The Cradle of Civilization - Bill Murray - The Piano Has Been Drinking by Tom Waits.

In Cinemas from March 22nd 2022 Buy your tickets here On a glorious Greek evening, screen legend Bill Murray and world-renowned cellist Jan Vogler rock the Acropolis with a timeless mix of music, literature, and poetry. Captured on film by director Andrew Muscato, Murray and Vogler are joined by the dazzling Mira Wang (violin) and dynamic Vanessa Perez (piano). The international quartet enchants the Athenian audience from the 2,000-year-old stage with musical reflections on love, hope, and heartbreak. Spanning from Bach to Van Morrison, Whitman to West Side Story, the wildly entertaining, humorous, and deeply touching program is infused with the one-of-a-kind charm of Bill Murray.
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