SCENES OF SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL. Scenes of Sir W. Churchill speaking on behalf of the Cons...(1955)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Scenes of Sir W. Churchill speaking on behalf of the Conservative Candidate Lennox-Boyd. CU’s Churchill? Full Description: Biggleswade, England: GV Crowd in Biggleswade, some with umbrellas up. SCU Mr Lennox-Boyd wearing rosette (Member for Biggleswade) signing book. CU Ditto. ANGLE V Placard across street Tuesday May 17th 4 p.m. “WELCOME AGAIN SIR WINSTON“ SV Sir Winston arriving, gets out of car removes hat. SCU PAN TO BV Churchill past crowd. SV People looking on. SIDE V Churchill seated on dais among others with Lennox-Boyd standing. SCU Lennox-Boyd speaking. SCU Churchill seated on dais listening others behind him. SV Crowd listening. GV Churchill with crowd in FG. SV Churchill speaking from dais. CU Churchill speaking, wearing glasses; flag behind. SV Crowd listening. LV Churchill speaking from dais. CU Ditto. GV Churchill sits down end of speech. SV Women applau
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