French based brand, Paradox is pleased to welcome one of France’s finest next-generation riders: Antoine Darrieux to the team. Antoine’s style, trick selection & power, combined with Ewen Dausse’s production make for an outstanding video. Enjoy
Filmed & Edited By: Ewen Dausse
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Thanks to our partners for working with us to grow Scootering:
Proto Scooters
Ethic DTC
River Wheel Co
Apex Pro Scooters
Atlas Co Online
Chilli Pro Scooters
Lucky Scooters
Indo The Trick Scooter
Longway Scooters
The Shop Pro Scooter Lab
2 months ago 00:16:14 50
Le SCANDALE de l’électricité française : Pourquoi vos factures vont continuer de monter ?