So, so, so. I fell in love with the DC Universe several months ago thanks (or because, I don’t know) to my dear Kitty when she bought me the Batman Telltale game. Loved this game, especially Bruce and Selina in it (then the Jarley in The Enemy Within). Then she thought it was a good idea to recommend to me the show Gotham on this universe as well. Seeing as I loved it SO MUCH and am editing all of her OTPs from this show, it was probably a good idea, RIGHT KITTY.
More seriously lol, I FINALLY finished that show, Gotham, a few days ago, and I already edited the couple Ed and Lee (second favorite ship of the show) a few days ago, but I started this edit on Batcat months ago, after seeing the first two seasons of the show, I think. I forced myself to wait until I had watched everything before finish this edit and it’s finally done and so here is my first edit on Selina and Bruce, famous Batcat ship, on their version of Gotham. Which is, from what I’ve seen so far on the Batcat ship, by far the best version of them. They really touched me deeply (new OTP here eh eh), these two kids who literally fall in love at 12 and never stop loving each other afterwards, no matter what ups and downs they’ve had. I also really adored the show Gotham and I have lots of ideas for edits on it lol others on Batcat and on Nygmakins and some others (probably Barbara). Another immense pleasure from DC Comics, after Telltale and Suicide Squad.
Other edits on Telltale are also coming up, especially on Bruce and Selina and Joker/Harley :) I hope you like this video, as always. I’m quite proud of it. Oh and if you wonder why I didn’t added their version in the final episode of the show, that’s just because I’m not really fan of the fact that they changed the actress for Selina, I really dislike changments of actress for a character in a single show, I know they are supposed to been older but I really think that they could make them older with the good makeups. Will perphaps edit their final version of them in futur edits but for this one, I didn’t wanted.
Fandom - Characters : Bruce Wayne (Batman) & Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Gotham, DC Universe.
Song : “If You Love Her“ by Forrest Blakk.
Coloring : “Dream“ by barbalas9296.
Program : SVP14.
#fanvidfeed #gotham #batcat #dcuniverse #viddingisart #brucewayne #batman #selinakyle #catwoman
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