FBI Director Chis Wray warns of Hamas copycat terror attacks on U.S. soil and urges public to watch out for ’lone actors’ amid a

FBI Director Chis Wray warns of Hamas copycat terror attacks on U.S. soil and urges public to watch out for ’lone actors’ amid a ’heightened environment’ of fear at International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference in San Diego. “I’d also ask you to continue sharing any intelligence or observations you may have and on our end, we’re committed to doing the same, so that together, we can safeguard our communities.“ What a perfect way to continue driving fear, paranoia, divison and animosity amongst a society. The psyops never stop do they? These demons make me sick. Stay away from large crowds my friends. And remember that God gave not a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Nonetheless, always be ready to protect your family and loved ones. Источник: Lord Of War
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