Hypocrisy - Eraser I (TOM’s GUITAR - CORNER ft. Meike & Rebekka)

7-string-Cover of Hypocrisy’s E R A S E R Audio- & simultaneously Video-Recording during 3 Guitar-Lessons (March 2012, TOM’s GUITAR - CORNER) Ingredients: Meike & Rebekka playing on - “Gundi“ (Jack and Danny 780 7-string - Music Store) - “Guido“ (Harley Benton 7-String - Thomann) DAW: Reaper Guitar-Sounds: Cakewalk V-Studio 20 (Dimbag Darrell - Preset from ROLAND “Sounds der Helden“) Freeware-Plugins: - EQ and Gate includet in Reaver - GVS
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