Redwall | Episode 31: The Play’s The Thing | Full Episode

Episode 31 - The Play’s The Thing Martin and friends press on towards the sunset – and Noonvale. Meanwhile at Marshank, the pirate Clogg is already planning to double-cross Badrang by refloating his ship to attack him. Druwp tries to reveal the cache of stolen weapons but is outwitted by KEYLA, who was suspicious of Druwp and hid them elsewhere. Martin and friends are delayed when one of them falls over a high cliff. The friend is rescued but the incident forces them to camp and no longer travel at night. At camp, around a blazing fire, Clogg makes plans to rebuild his ship – but is interrupted by Ballaw and the Players. Impressing him with magic ‘tricks’ they persuade him to allow them into Marshank to entertain Badrang. It is a bold and dangerous ruse to release Felldoh’s father and the other slaves. Martin and friends meet the psychic mole POLLEEKIN who tells them their companions are alive and also makes them a riddle map to guide them on their journey to Noonvale. But as they leave she warns them sadly that although they will see happiness they will also encounter much sadness – the brave warriors have no idea what they are about to encounter. Subscribe to Treehouse Direct for new clips, episodes, and more!
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