Ozzy the adorable desk weasel.

Since this video is gaining popularity again: I’d like to wish everybody Happy Holidays and a prosperous and healthy 2023! Yup, he loves to play. So do I. But before I get to go online and start killing, I’m being camped by this fearless fighter. But then again; his ping is so much lower than mine... Check out Upland, a virtual property trading game. If you use this link, Upland will award you with a bonus for your first purchase Disclaimer: A weasel is not a pet. They hate being locked up, they’re not friendly when hungry. Don’t get one. Seriously. Ozzy is a special case rescue baby. Cute, but deadly. ;) Music: ’Ratatouille’s kitchen’ by Carmen María and Edu Espinal. Check out Upland, a virtual property trading game. At its heart, Upland is a property-trading, city-building metaverse designed for players to explore cities, collect properties, and meet other Uplanders. More than anything, Upland is a game where you buy, s
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