Дизайн дома с тремя спальнями и удивительным дзен-двором

Three Bedroom House in Hawthorn, Australia, designed by Ha Architecture. Courtyard House is a heritage-listed interwar bungalow. From the street, there is no visible presence of an addition beyond. But the Hawthorn home has undergone a fundamental transformation. The clients’ sincere belief in zen principles called for an east-facing yoga studio/ study— and an onsen/ ensuite connected to nature. Two designated working spaces were also required. Upon arrival, the tranquil mood is set by the timber-lined entry, itself inspired by the original deco interior features of the home. Hidden doorways lead to the existing two bedrooms (one of which has been restored to honor the original house). A lightwell draws you towards a convoluted entry — then the central courtyard is revealed. The Dry Garden requires minimal watering, and extensive rainwater storage is provided. A sustainable outcome is further supported by external sun shading; thermally broken windows; hydronic heating (with elec
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