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From the obesity, to the superficiality, to the lack of geography (or passports), Americans from different states battle the most common US/American stereotypes ranking them TRUE, FALSE.. or somewhere in between.
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Dating Beyond Borders is a Youtube channel that focuses on highlighting the cultural differences that come into play while dating people from other countries.
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0:00 Intro
0:15 Americans are loud and obnoxious
1:43 Americans don’t know geography
3:25 Americans eat fast food and are obese
5:14 Every American owns a gun
6:30 Americans are optimistic and like to dream big
8:16 Americans think they are the center of the universe
9:16 Americans only speak English
10:24 Americans are superficial and love small talk
12:47 What is the most annoying stereotype?
13:53 What do you want the world to know about Americans?
Andreas Machado (filming)
Marco Saraiva (sound)
Jason Tojeiro (editing)
Becky (Ohio):
Raegan (Louisiana):
Travis (Maine):
Joel (Texas):
Adam (Michigan):
Timothy (Louisiana/Georgia):
Nissa (SoCal):
Michael (Kansas):
Jessica (New York):
Naiara (Florida):
Candice (Illinois):
Khemit (New York):
Zara (NorCal):
Filmed in:
Lisbon, Portugal
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