Hydrangea arborescens - decorative, abundantly flowering perennial plant. 绣球花 - 装饰性的、开花丰富的多年生植物。

Hydrangea arborescens - decorative, abundantly flowering perennial plant, commonly known as smooth hydrangea, wild hydrangea, sevenbark, or in some cases, sheep flower, is a species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae. It is a small- to medium-sized, deciduous shrub up to 3 m (10 ft) tall that is native to the eastern United States. The inflorescence is a corymb. The showy, sterile flowers are usually absent or if present they are usually less than 1 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs May to July. Fruit is a ribbed brown capsule about 2 mm long; many are produced. The leaves are large (8 to 18 cm long), opposite, serrated, ovate, and deciduous. The lower leaf surface is glabrous or with inconspicuous fine hairs, appearing green; trichomes of the lower surface are restricted to the midrib and major veins. The stem bark has a peculiar tendency to peel off in several successive thin layers with different colors, hence the common name “sevenbark“. Smooth hydrangea can spread rapidly by stolons to form colonies. Smooth hydrangea is widely distributed across the eastern United States—from southern New York to the panhandle of Florida, west to eastern Oklahoma and southeastern Kansas. It is mainly found in moist soils under a hardwood forest canopy and is often common along woodland road banks and streams. It is common in the Delaware River Valley and in the Appalachian Mountains. It is a host plant of the hydrangea sphinx moth. This attractive native shrub is often cultivated for ornamental use. In the UK the cultivar ’Annabelle’ has gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit. The cultivar ’Grandiflora’ has flowers that resemble snowballs, similar to Viburnum plicatum. Smooth hydrangea root was used medicinally by Native Americans, and later, by early settlers for treatment of kidney and bladder stones. 繡球花 - 裝飾性的、開花豐富的多年生植物,俗稱光滑繡球花、野生繡球花、七葉樹,或在某些情況下,羊花,是繡球科家族的一種開花植物。它是一種中小型落葉灌木,高達 3 m (10 ft),原產於美國東部。 花序是傘房花序。艷麗的不育花通常不存在,或者如果存在,它們的直徑通常小於 1 厘米。花期發生在 5 月至 7 月。果實為帶棱紋的棕色蒴果,長約 2 毫米;生產了很多。 葉子大(8到18厘米長),對生,有鋸齒,卵形,落葉。下部葉面無毛或有不明顯的細毛,呈綠色;下表面的毛狀體僅限於中脈和主脈。 莖皮有一種奇特的傾向,呈數層連續剝落,顏色各異,因此俗稱“七樹皮”。 光滑的繡球花可以通過匍匐莖迅速蔓延形成菌落。 光滑的繡球花廣泛分佈在美國東部——從紐約南部到佛羅里達州的狹長地帶,西到俄克拉荷馬州東部和堪薩斯州東南部。它主要存在於硬木林冠下的潮濕土壤中,通常沿林地路堤和溪流常見。它在特拉華河谷和阿巴拉契亞山脈很常見。 它是繡球花蛾的寄主植物。 這種有吸引力的原生灌木通常被種植用於觀賞。在英國,栽培品種“安娜貝爾”獲得了皇家園藝學會的花園優異獎。栽培品種’Grandiflora’的花朵類似於雪球,類似於Viburnum plicatum。 光滑的繡球花根被美洲原住民用於藥用,後來被早期定居者用於治療腎結石和膀胱結石。 हाइड्रेंजिया आर्बोरेसेंस - सजावटी, बहुतायत से फूलने वाला बारहमासी पौधा, जिसे आमतौर पर चिकने हाइड्रेंजिया, जंगली हाइड्रेंजिया, सेवनबार्क या कुछ मामलों में भेड़ के फूल के रूप में जाना जाता है, हाइड्रेंजिया परिवार में फूलों के पौधे की एक प्रजाति है। यह एक छोटे से मध्यम आकार का, 3 मीटर (10 फीट) लंबा पर्णपाती झाड़ी है जो पूर्वी संयुक्त राज्य के मूल निवासी है। पुष्पक्रम एक corymb है। दिखावटी, बाँझ फूल आम&
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