Super Samurai Market - Japanese sword fittings at Token Matsumoto

This Episode of Super Samurai Market takes us to Token Matsumoto a sword dealer in Nishi Kasai just 30 minutes from Tokyo station. If you are interested in purchasing any of the presented items please send us an email to: purchase@ Today we present 10 items from the shop: Nihonto 1. Wakizashi Mei: Yokoyama Kozuke Daijo Fujiwara Sukesada and Shichibe no Jo Back: Bi-no-Zen shu Osafune Junin, from Osafune, Bizen 2. Katana Mei: Yasushige from Shitahara, Bushu 3 Katana Mei: Mumei, but has been attributed to the Ko-uda Tradition 4. Katana Mei: Echigo no Kami Kanesada(2nd generation) 5. Katana Mei: Kawachi no Kami Fujiwara Masahiro from Hizen Province Kodogu 1. Tsuba, Kachushi Design: Cherry-blossoms 2. Menuki, Waki ​​Goto Mamori Shishi Design 3. Tsuba, Akao Family Crests with Vines Design 4. Tsuba, Muneaki, Hikonebori Pine Tree and Horses Design 5. Tsuba, Umetad
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