Demonstration for Walkera TALI H500 with DEVO F12E

搭载G-3D无刷云台,配置HD 1080P相机 ilook Loaded with G-3D brushless gimbal , configured HD 1080P iLook camera . 双向传输功能,实时监测飞行数据 Telemetry function to monitor flight data in real-time 一键起飞开关 One key to take off switch 收放起落架开关 Fold and unfold undercarriage switch 无头飞行开关 IOC flight switch MIX位置 “1“ = GPS定点定位 MIX “1“ position means GPS altitude hold mode MIX位置“2“= 一键返航 MIX “2“position means One key go home mode 拍摄开关 Video switch 环绕飞行开关
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