1 HOUR FULL BODY WORKOUT at Home - Dumbbells, Bodyweight | Complex Series - Day 4

Ready for one hour hitting the entire body? Quads, hamstrings, glutes, back, chest, shoulders, arms and core using dumbbells & bodyweight compound and isolation exercises to make you work really hard! For this 1 hour full body workout, you will need a pair of dumbbells, your mat and a chair! The dumbbells I am using for your reference are 15kg each and 8kg each! SQUAT x15 RDL x15 RENEGADE ROW x10 LANDMINE ROW x20 LUNGE x15 FWD STEP LUNGE x15 (same foot forward) LUNGE x15 (switch side) FWD STEP LUNGE x15 (same foot forward) SHOULDER PRESS x10 WIDE CURLS x10 STAGGERED RDL x15 STAGGERED SQUAT x15 (same side) STAGGERED RDL x15 (switch) STAGGERED SQUAT x15 (same side) SQUAT TO PRESS x10 ALT REAR LUNGES x20 DIAMOND PRESS x15 PULLOVER x15 SIT UP x10 ALTERNATING HOVER REACH x30 BULGARIAN LUNGE x15 SINGLE LEG DECLINE PUSH UP x5 BULGARIAN LUNGE x15 SINGLE LEG DECLINE PUS
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