Murphy’s War 🎬 (1971) English Full Movie | Adventure Biography Drama War #classic | 墨菲的戰爭

Murphy is the sole survivor of his crew, that has been massacred by a German U-Boat in the closing days of World War II. He lands on the shore somewhere on the river Orinoco delta and begins to plot his vengeance. He wishes to sink the U-Boat that has floated up by means of any method imaginable to him, and sets about to make the courageous attempt, assisted by Louie, the islands Government Administrator. 故事發生在第二次世界大戰末期,當時墨菲和他的戰友被一艘納粹德軍潛艇擊沈,除了他以外,戰友們無一生還,墨菲被路易士救起並同路易士成為好友,墨菲心中卻一直有個結,就是想炸毀那艘德國潛艇,並憑借一己之力搞到了一顆從德國潛艇上發射的但卻並未引爆的魚雷。但此時二戰結束的消息傳來了,而墨菲卻絕對忘不了納粹德軍所做過的一切,一直不肯放過那艘德國潛艇,他能成功嗎?
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