The Mystery of Creation: How We Became Male and Female
Barbara Symons Author of:
Escaping Christianity ~ Finding Christ and
Musings From an Ex Christian Fundamentalist
Words By: Barbara Symons - Podcast # 19
In this video, I explore the ancient story of how we were once androgynous beings who split into two genders. I explain how this relates to the biblical account of creation in Genesis, and how it reveals the secrets of how we create our reality. I also share how we can transcend the limitations of human reason and judgment, and return to our original state of divine love and harmony. This video will challenge your assumptions and inspire you to look for the signs of the coming age of transformation. 🌟
#Egregore #Entrainment #Spirituality #Religion #Occult #ExFundamentalist #Deconstruction #FaithJourney #EscapingChristianity #FindingChrist #BarbaraSymons #Testimony
0:00 - Introduction: What is the mystery of creation and how did we become male and female?
0:45 - The story of androgyny: How w
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