Space Engineers - Vehicle Transporting Dropship

With a lot of feed back on the tracked exploration vehicle and may requesting a way of transporting it around I decide to build it a dropship so it can be moved to a mission location fast. [MODS] Skybox Two planets (no fog) - Conveyor Hinges - transfer items flexibly - AZ Air Intake Prototype - Type 3 Glass - Small Ship Mega Mod Pack - DeadTech - Logistix - [MOD]ShaoCorp Bumpers - Maglock Surface MkII - Better Piston - A Better Arsenal (ABA) [WIP] - Kolt16 Mod Pack (Cleaned up, debugged, and repaired for Steam Workshop) - Piston Pack - Eikesters Decorations and more - Part II - [MOD]Hammerman Prep Station (Maintained by Shaostoul) - Blast Door Sections - Hammerman decorations (Interior walls) - Compact Antenna - a large ship antenna with a smaller footprint - Industrial Thruster (Sage) - Kolt - Command Console Pack - Az Passenger Seat & Open Cockpit - Letters Mod - AI Core - Armor Ramps [By UncleSte] - Armor Panels [By UncleSte] - Gyroscope 250% - CSD Autocannon - DoorMod [By UncleSte] - Thrust Engines (2xPower) - Project Inspiration Bulldog Armor Ramps [By UncleSte] Survival Mode Playlist: Join my space engineers empire engineers# Oh and our Facebook page: Space Engineer is like a mixture between Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program. The main purpose of the game seems to be building a space fleet and fight/ally with the other factions. You build your ships piece by piece and the only know limit for the size of your ship is what you computer can handle.
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