Generals De Gaulle & Giraud meet in Africa (1943)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Eisenhower visits General Giraud in Algiers and is given Grand Cross of Legion of Honour Full Description: AFRICA: Algeria: Algiers: EXT ALGIERS Gen. Giraud invests Eisenhower w. Grand Cross of Legion of Honour in DE GAULLE. Gen. Gens. De Gaulle & Giraud meet in AFRICA EISENHOWER General. (Commands European Theatre for U.S. Forces). W. Cunningham watches bombardment of- FRANCE MILITARY Eisenhower visits Giraud in Algiers, G. invests Eisenhower w. Grand Cross of Legion of . GIRAUD & DE GAULLE meet in AFRICA GIRAUD, General. Cross of Legion of Honour..& meets GIRAUD INVESTITURES (miscellaneous). invests Cross of Legion of Honour in ALGIERS French committee of national liberation Background: Eisenhower visits General Giraud in Algiers and is given Grand Cross of Legion of Honour
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