Thør God Of Thunder

This version is the final for this as I have added many affirmations, smarter affirmations and fixed affirmations. (Affirmations are in comments) Count of how many times I have written “affirmations“ : 005 This will give you - Abilities/Powers : • Powers and Abilities of Thor • You become the God Of Thunder • Electrokinesis on an unbelievable scale • Weather Manipulation • Geokinesis • God Force • Storm Control • Elemental and Magic Abilities • Lightning Element Control and Mastery • Supernatural Strength • Physical abilities enhanced by electricity • Nigh Invulnerability • Superhuman Speed • Superhuman Agility • Healing Factor (Instantaneous if supercharged by electricity) • Elemental Supercharge like Thor • Superhuman Fighter • Asgardian DNA and Physiology • God like physiology • Nigh Immortality (Only Die if killed which is almost impossible) • Superhuman Emotional strength • Knowledge of Magic and Science
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