Lessons from the Field: Deep Learning for Field Robotics | Matthew Johnson-Roberson | RoboLaunch

For this presentation in our RoboLaunch series, guest speaker Matthew Johnson-Roberson (Professor and Director of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University) discusses robotic systems capable of operating in complex dynamic environments, autonomous systems, interpretation of three-dimensional data, and machine learning & robotic vision. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters (coming soon) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect with us! RISS RoboLaunch Discord: Explore Robotics YouTube: RISS LinkedIn: Explore our robotics programs and outreach! CMU Robotics Institute Summer Scholars (RISS) RISS RoboLaunch: CMU Robotics Institute Summer Scholars Program: The Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute Summer Scholars (RISS), an undergraduate research program, opens doors and creates opportunities for future leaders in robotics by supporting research immersions, providing professional; development, and creating networks of support. (Apply Starting November 1 for the Next Cohort) RISS RoboLaunch: The RISS RoboLaunch Initiative is a robotics outreach & broadening participation initiative, making robotics more accessible. This initiative aims to introduce broad topics in robotics through talks, interactive and workshops. Our RoboLaunch Discord Server aims to foster an inclusive global learning community, and we invite you to join us.
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