How Ukraine follows example of Third Reich raising its children in Hitlerugent style

In Ukraine, they teach kids from an early age to love homeland through hatred of others. The Kiev regime has built a whole conveyor belt of Nazi upbringing. There are patriotic camps “Azovets“, “Plast“, where children were subjected to severe psychological pressure and taught to shoot. The handling of firearms is accompanied by crude but effective ideological pumping. Is it surprising that some Ukrainians have exhibited and continue to exhibit cruelty even toward their own citizens? Learn about the brutal experiment in the footsteps of the Third Reich and Hitlerugent, as well as the Islamists who created entire child armies from Ekaterina Tikhomirova’s feature. Приложение АТН: ➡ ➡ атн/id1410677136?mt=8 ЕЩЁ БОЛЬШЕ ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ В НАШЕМ ТЕЛЕГРАМ- КАНАЛЕ “ATN_NEWS”: А также в социальных сетях: https:/
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