wild Orca nearly collides with a diver 720p ★ 2015 @versatilith

DOWNLOAD MY FIRST BOOK & WATCH MY 5000-kilometre solo traverse of the Scandinavian Peninsula for a year! LINK: Release date: 5 August 2021 I took a swim in Norwegian Sea with wild killer whales Orca was chasing after herring and let go at the last second when realised it would hit freediver. Shortly after you can clearly see orca dives deeper, precisely turning aside to take a good look at the diver. At the same time, you can hear the sonar sound orca is sending out to recognise the object. Every winter they migrate here and along the coast of Norway after herring. Together with a friend I took a swim to encounter wild killer whales near in Norway. We arranged everything on our own. We also managed to film their life and hunting habits.
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