Video by Jonathan Young | Джонатан Янг

JONATHAN’S VIDEO: CHECK OUT MY MUSIC CHANNEL: SUBSCRIBE: SUPPORT: MERCH: This was SO FUN to actually be in the room with Jonathan and play off of each other. Just some Disney dorks having a blast. Hope you all enjoyed it! And go check out our third video and SUBSCRIBE to him! Follow me on: Twitter @missmalindakat Facebook Instagram @missmalindakat Snapchat @missmalindak jonathan young sucks (he told me to write that xD) ►Twitter - (@jonathanymusic) ►Insta - (@jonathanymusic) ►Facebook - ►CONTACT - jonathanyoungmusic@ ►Jonathan Young CDs and T-shirts: ►Support Jonathan Young ...on Patreon: For autographs and snail mail: 3430 Connecticut Ave NW PO Box 11855 Washington DC 20008 For business inquiries: mkreesebusiness@ **EQUIPMENT** (all links are affiliate links, so if you buy from here you support me too!) AUDIO For singing: For vlogging: A great start mic: Interface: VIDEO Camera: Lens: Vlog camera: I use Logic and Final Cut Pro to edit audio and video respectively :)
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