Advanced Locomotion System #4 - Swap Weapons

Project Files: . In this episode of the unreal engine advanced locomotion series, I am going to work on a weapon swapping system. We have already implemented a way to pick up weapons. Larger weapons will be attached to the back of the character and handguns will be attached near the hip. There will be designated buttons to equip primary, secondary, or special weapons. By pressing 0, the player will be able to put back all the weapons and go freehand. As player press these buttons, a relevant animation will be played and if there is a weapon already in the hand, it will be attached to relevant socket and the weapon player wants to equip will be attached to the hand. Advanced locomotion system: CodeLikeMe Third-Person shooter series: ► 👇 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨
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