9 Creative SHOT IDEAS - Cinematic Camera Movements & Tips For Epic B-ROLL VIDEO

9 Creative SHOT IDEAS - Cinematic Camera Movements & Tips For Epic B-ROLL VIDEO Now it’s one thing to tell you how to move the camera for an epic shot but in this video I’m also going to focus on the actual movement of the subject as well as the framing and lens choice, something that a lot of channels seem to neglect and this can often be the difference between good and amazing! UPDATE: The Parallax / Dolly Zoom was not invented by Steven Spielberg but by a guy called Irmin Roberts for Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo. ⚡️Convert 1080p into Crispy 4K ⚡️ LUTS I USE: Code “JAC” for a 15% discount ⚡️ MUSIC: Use code JCRAFFORD at checkout. ⚡️ MOTION GRAPHICS ⚡️ SOUND DESIGN PACK: Use
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