If our Positions were Switched - Devil May Cry 5 Edit

Hey, look, new video. Let me just give the quick usual description so youtube doesn’t bury the video’s light deep in recommendations hell. - A GMV/game edit of Devil May Cry 5 (DMC5) with the intent of showing the rivalry of the two brother’s and it’s conclusion. - For this one, I just had the idea of putting the vocals of the “If our positions were switched“ scene into Bury the Light, and it developed from there. I guess these are GMV’s, right? I don’t know, i just like editing stuff to songs. Hope those aren’t outdated yet. I think most of these song edits with footage are kind of pointless. I mean, sure they’re cool to look at, but that’s all really. I try to put my own narrative into the ones i make, which I think was a big mistake i did in the Jestream Sam tribute, since it was mostly just cool brazillian go chaca chaca, and from looking at how well my MGSV one did (I’m really proud of it and it actually got a lot of views, puts a smile i
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