Celtic Music - The Wanderer

You can get the song here, together with all my other music, the song number is 427: You can also support me and my music directly on Patreon if you wish: Facebook: iTunes: Twitter: I made a Fantasy language, you can get the 431-page dictionary and a 735-page book of Fantasy names here: Hey everyone! =) I’m sorry for the rather long absence, I had really aggressive Corona (I somehow escaped it for 3 years but finally got it...) and needed some time to recover. Anyway, I was really inspired to make a new forest-y Celtic song after I started to feel better again, I hope you like it! The title is a reference to my “Wanderer“ album from over 10 years ago, I hope some of you remember it.^^ The feeling I got while composing this piece was somehow that of walking through a forest, which at first is dark and misty, and gradually becomes brighter and friendlier. All music composed and arranged by Adrian von Ziegler. The artwork was created by this great artist: © Copyright to all audio material belongs to Adrian von Ziegler.
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