Elon Musk declared “Starship Flight 3 reach orbit with NEW 33 engines“...
Elon Musk declared “Starship Flight 3 reach orbit with NEW 33 engines“...
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Cosmic Perspective: @CosmicPerspective
Everyday Astronaut:
Randolph Visuals:
WAI: @Whataboutit
Ezekiel Overstreet:
LabPadre Space:
Ryan Hansen Space:
C-bass Productions: @CbassProductions
Evan Karen: @EvanKaren
TijnM: @tijn_m
Alexander Svan:
ErcX Space
iamVisual: @iamVisualVFX
Project Road to Mars:
Tamás Török ( Tamas Torok ): @tomket7
Stanley Creative: @StanleyCreative/
John Kraus:
Starbase Surfer :
THELONELYCAT: @thelonelycat/
Clarence365: @clarence3654
Toby Li:
Base Camp Zero:
TheSpaceEngineer: @TheSpaceEngineer
Elon Musk declared “Starship Flight 3 reach orbit with NEW 33 engines“...
“So Flight, Flight 2 actually almost made it to orbit”. “I think we’ve got a really good shot of reaching orbit with Flight 3”.
These were the very bold statements of Elon Musk in a recent presentation. But you know, Elon himself admitted that getting to space is easy but getting to orbit is a hundred times harder.
So in today’s episode of Great SpaceX, we will find out why Starship reaching orbit is so difficult and why Elon Musk is much more confident to reach orbit with Starship Flight 3.
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