Brief History of Bleem! | Playstation Emulation on the Sega Dreamcast

Brief History of Bleem! | Playstation Emulation on the Sega Dreamcast | Bleem emulation software was intended to allow users to play Playstation games on Sega Dreamcast and PC. PlayStation emulation was a big deal seeing as Sony wasn’t receiving any revenue from game sales. Bleem was shortly sued by Sony stating that Bleem was trying to make emulation legal. Bleem was issued countless lawsuits that they (Bleem) kept winning Sony was stating that PlayStation emulation was using Sony’s intellectual property and passing it off as there own. Games like Gran Turismo 2, Tekken 3 & Metal Gear Solid we’re the games that received the complete graphical overhaul. Co-Creators Randy Linden & David Herpolsheimer were both the faces of Bleem and tried their hardest at keeping it a float. Randy Linden ultimately ended up working for Sony. Piko Interactives purchase of the Bleem’s licence may bring a streaming service of games in the future. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe that once a game is bought it is yo
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