PUBG - radar hack in a nutshell

Disclaimer: I know that there are very good players in the ranked series of PUBG, people that grind hard and play fair, but in this case, after reporting the entire team, two of the players got permanently banned. Context of the video is: my team landed in a location in miramar and got smoked instantly by this squad. Since I was AFK during parachute phase, I ended up landing a bit far away from them, with no one surrounding me (I’ve checked replay just to be sure). My team mates said they probably are hacking so I decided to climb in a random warehouse and hide in a uncommon place (actually hard to get there). This presumed squad that were hacking came straight away towards me without checking any other building and rushed into me flawlessly without checking any corners or whatsoever, because in fact they knew my position all along (checked in replay, at least one player aiming through the walls). Krafton needs to address this radar hack issue, especially now that the game for released a
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