DOOM Eternal - Full Hair Helmetless Slayer & Removed Visor FX - All Cutscenes
I managed to add the Slayer’s hair back and remove the helmet visor light FX. So here is the result, enjoy!
00:00 - Intro cutscene
00:32 - Khan Maykr meeting cutscene
01:35 - King Novik cutscene
02:52 - Betrayer cutscene
03:51 - Revenant cutscene
04:17 - Doom Hunter cutscene
04:22 - Marauder cutscene
04:51 - BFG10k Cutscene
05:14 - Sentinel Prime hall entrance cutscene
05:46 - Gladiator intro cutscene
06:16 - Deag Grav death cutscene
06:41 - Crucible cutscene
07:00 - Icon of Sin resurrection