Agenda 21: GOP Leader’s Obama ’Mind Control’ Conspiracy Briefing

“Georgia’s Republican governor isn’t saying why he gave a part-time seat on a state task force to the state senator who organized a four-hour briefing that told Republican lawmakers President Barack Obama and the United Nations are engaging “mind-control“ techniques to force a land use agenda. Gov. Nathan Deal (R) last week named Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock) to a seat on the governor’s digital learning task force, formed earlier this year to study ways the state can use digital technology in schools, including digital textbooks. Deal made the appointment before a video surfaced of the meeting Rogers organized last month on Agenda 21, the U.N. sustainability program.“* *Read more from John Celock/ Huffington Post: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Support The Young Turks by Shopping Like Us on Fac
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