(EP2)The life of blue calico dresses hand-dyed by Li Ziqi? 蓝草的一生?蓝印花布的一生?还是李子柒花裙子的

EP1🎥 Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: “Blue dye comes from the indigo plant but is even bluer.” Plant the indigo seeds and harvest twice a year, Squash the leaves in a tank of liquid, drain to extract the dye, hand print the cloth and make into clothes! Blue calico dying and batik printing are time-honored crafts handed down through generations. I wonder how many of you still remember them. “青出于蓝,而胜于蓝” 从一颗蓼蓝种子到两次收割, 打靛、起缸、染布、做衣! 蓝印花布 蜡染这些老前辈们的手艺, 不知道还
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