People In Camera (1947)

Full title reads: “People In Camera“ Jamal Husseini of the Arab delegation to the Palestine conference puts his people’s point of view. CU of him full face head and shoulders. CU and MS seated at a desk in London he speaks putting the Palestinian point of view over the partition and creation of Israel. (nat sound). Elysee Palace, Paris, France. Vincent Auriol, New French president, at home with his family. Various shots of him, his wife, son, daughter in law and grandchildren, walking in the grounds of the Elysee Palace. Photographers walk along with them taking pictures. Catching snakes in South Africa for serum purposes. LS snake catchers John and Jack Jones and African boys digging in the sand. CU a spade sinking into the sand. CU a Cobra snake thrusts its head forward. VS of snakes being caught and bagged. CU a 7ft long cobra crawling along. CU with forked rods the snake is pinned. CU the snake being bundled into a sack. CU snakes being packed into a box. CU catcher Jones holding a sn
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