Toying For Exports (1966)

London. Close up shot of teddy bear’s face. Zoom back to show two men carrying giant teddy bear. SV. Men carrying teddy bear towards camera. GV. Toy Fair. SV. Mini race track with model cars going round. CU. Little boy watching. SV. Five men operating controls of the mini race track. CU. Cars racing. CU. Hand operating controls. Low angle mini race track. Cars coming towards camera. CU. Cars round bend SV. Man operating mobile truck by remote control. CU. Man operating controls of mobile truck. CU. Of truck backing round. GV. Boy looking at models. CU. A model galleon CU. Model of a motorbike. CU. Handle bars and headlamps of motorcycle. CU. The engine of the motorcycle. SV. Motorcycle, hand comes into picture and picks it up showing the size. GV. Radionic toy kit, consists of gramophone, radio etc. CU. Man showing little boys the radionic - do it yourself construction kit. CU. Transistors and equipment of radionic. CU. More transistors. SV. Model of Gemini spacecraft. CU. Model showing the two spacemen in
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