Torrey Podmajersky – Strategic writing for UX

Torrey joined us at UX New Zealand 2019. Find out more here: In most UX teams, the words are the last part to be designed. They are left until the end, only getting written when lorem ipsum can’t take the designs any farther. But those words can work as hard as any other part of the UX to drive engagement, conversion, and retention. The content can be as consistent as the navigational elements, and convey the brand as clearly as the colour palette. The words can align with customer goals and business priorities from the beginning, meet heuristic quality goals, and make a measurable impact. In this talk, Torrey shares how she gets results by partnering early with design, product, engineering and legal teams to create content that moves the needle, getting customers doing what they’re there to do while the business meets or exceeds its goals. You’ll see where UX writing fits in with – and how it’s different from – other kinds of content, a framewor
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