Russia Calls Meeting Of Satellites To Discuss Remilitarisation Of West Germany (1950)

Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unknown / unclear. Russia calls meeting of satellites in Prague, Czechoslovakia, to discuss remilitarisation of West Germany. Czech troops form Guard of Honour on Ruzyn aerodrome. Vyacheslav Molotov, Vice Chairman of Ministers’ Assembly of the Soviet Union, alights from Soviet plane and shakes hands with officials the inspects the Guard with another man. General view of Cernin Palace - Ministry of Foreign Affairs. M/S of Molotov arriving at the Palace. Two unidentified delegates arrive. Rumanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Anna Paukerova arrives. Molotov enters conference room and shakes hands with delegates. L/S of delegates at a table. C/U of Molotov. Various shots of other delegates: V Natanajli, Albanian Ambassador to Moscow; Dr M Nejeev, Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs; Z Fierlinger, Deputy Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia; Zygmunt Modzelewski, Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anna Paukerova; Gyula Kallai, Hungarian Mi
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