Turn of history: the Duda-Zelensky pact can become a new Piłsudski-Petliura pact

Zelensky and Duda, overexcited at the thought that each deceived his vis-a-vis, almost kissed each other near the podium in the Verkhovna Rada. Both politicians are leading their countries in a new round of historical spiral. And here we recall the events that claimed 100,000 lives. The units of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, to whom the Right Sector and the Azov nationalist regiment look up today, carried out a full-scale genocide against the Poles who were settling the territory of Western Ukraine. If the law on the special status of Poles in Ukraine is passed again, history has a great chance of repeating itself. Andrei Sych will tell you more about the situation on the southern borders of Belarus in the “Screenshot“ section.
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