This Spicebush caterpillar (Papilio rutulus) , also known as a snake mimic because of the green coloration with large black spots which look like eyes. The smell is derived from the spicebush chemicals. It smells somewhat like spicebush twigs, but the caterpillar produces acetic acid as well and the entire smell starts be smell like skunk. Lets just say that I go too close and tried too many takes to get the best shot of the caterpillar doing this trick. Everything was becoming overwhelming with skunk smell
2 years ago 00:02:20 1
Парусник полит (Papilio polytes)
2 years ago 00:08:01 1
☁️ Оригами Облако из бумаги Как сделать облако из бумаги Поделки из бумаги Easy Origami paper Cloud
2 years ago 00:19:25 1
Бабочки высокогорья. Научно-популярный фильм (1986)