Swimming in mail armor

We wanted to know: Can one swim while wearing a mail hauberk of 13kg / 29 pounds? Even though it looks like it, the answer is not a clear yes. Certainly, a good swimmer doesn’t instantly sink. But for sure it is super exhausting. Likely one wouldn’t get very far. That said we don’t know for sure whether medieval knights would be experienced swimmers. Underneath the hauberk, Fabian Brenker is wearing a linen shirt. This could be worn with more clothing. And that would certainly restrain his movements and exhaust him even faster. Don’t do this at home kids. This was done by a Ph.D. historian. No rings were harmed for this video. Did it rust? We put it in the sun and moved it occasionally. It did get some rust. Yet it seemed as if it was rather rubbed off iron particles that were rusting - not so much the rings themselves. It all brushed off easily.
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