Alain Delon - La Compliant a mon frere (’Grief, my brothers’ by Bruno Pelletier) with lyrics

** * is the DARKEST day for HK. * ** The young peaceful protestors of Umbrella Movement (雨傘運動) @ are jailed. Political prosecution, further limit freedom of speech/demonstrations/human rights in the area, these young people are highly respected as they devoted their future, life purely for better HK. Feel pain, particularly on the HK people as many are still unaware the overwhelming Tsunami! It is just as critical as this song’s background @ Quebec 1970s. Grieved but don’t be despair. “...Hongkongers show no fear...“ NY Times report: ================== Superb performance of Bruno @Moscow . My version(under apple wong a/c) with lyrics, ------------------- Learned from another clip on the background of the
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